A Greater SomeplaceI wish there was a button I could pushand appear in a place where smiles are permanent,burdens light;where the rain and the sun are forever friends,and animals come in droves to introduce themselves- I want to exist in the cool of day,like the type that was in the Garden of Edenwhen Adam heard the voice of God’s footsteps,and harmony did not yet know dyslexia- I want to run from this wicked world,where pain resides in the air we breathe,and suffering is a societal norm I yearn for purityAnd fullness of heart,in a place where glory is in every step,and the ground encourages you to go further; Where life can be seen face to face,and even the rocks speak from a place of intelligenceWhere ease is presentAnd honor has vigorAnd purpose exposes all things superficialI want to ride the lightningAnd surf the rings of SaturnVacation in seashores on heavenly beachesI want to go to a greater placeAnd witness the glory that so often escapes me